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A member registered Nov 26, 2023

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It's too early for such content. there will be in the future

I have an idea why this is happening: I haven't linked this account to any bank and because of that they can't verify the necessary information

I looked at it but deleted it because it mentions which country I'm from

Anyone else getting this message when trying to download :

[WARNING: This Page Has Been Quarantined

Our system has flagged this page for additional review due to potential suspicious behavior from the page owner.

If someone has asked you to download from this page and you don't fully trust them, or their behavior isn't what you recognize, then we don't recommend downloading this file until our team has reviewed the page.

Password-protecting files or pages is a technique often used by scammers in an attempt to block virus and other security scans from detecting malware. Do not trust password-protected files unless you fully trust the uploader.

Learn more about the "Try my game" Discord scam

Page and Account Details

  • Page created a month ago
  • Account created a month ago
  • Account may have fake email address

I think I know why it happens and the reason is very stupid

(1 edit)

I don't have this problem when I try to download it

Could you give a more detailed explanation because yesterday I released a new version and is there a problem with a download brand because the Android version works on faith and hope

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